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DNP is an extremely powerful and beyond controversial fat-burning drug. There is no compound on earth that can burn fat at the rate of DNP; however, to say it is beyond dangerous is almost an understatement. DNP is so dangerous it can in fact kill you. No one can deny the fat loss power held by this compound is truly tremendous, but when we consider the risk there are very few if any we can recommend it to. However, because it is so powerful we want to explain the ins and outs of this compound, go over its history and explain the horrific consequences that may occur.
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DNP was first discovered in the early 1900s and by the early 1930s had become one of the leading fat loss medications on the market. So effective, it may be the single most effective fat burner ever created. Beyond its effectiveness, DNP also represents the first fat loss medication to ever be used in the U.S. However, its life on the pharmaceutical market would be short-lived; in 1938 DNP would be pulled from the market place never to return, legally that is.
While DNP is no longer available legally, it can still be found on the black market. The drug carries a bit of legendary status in the competitive bodybuilding world. While we cannot call it extremely common among competitive bodybuilders, this is the arena where you will find it most commonly. However, due to the risk associated with use, it is rarely worth using. In fact, while the risk of various performance-enhancing drugs is often blown out of proportion, when it comes to DNP the fear that surrounds is completely warranted.
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DNP Functions & Traits:
DNP, officially labeled as 2,4-Dinitrophenol, is classified as an industrial chemical. The compound can often be found in pressure-treated wood as a fungicide, in various dyes, used in photograph development, and as an insecticide. Officially, while an industrial chemical DNP is a pure poison.
As a fat loss medication, DNP functions by dramatically increasing the body’s core temperature. This in turn dramatically enhances the body’s metabolic rate and accelerated fat loss occurs. So powerful, this compound will directly burn body fat, and directly promote extreme lipolysis; not merely weight loss. While powerful indeed, the actual process by which DNP functions is extremely simple. DNP actively uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, which will in turn promote extreme lipolysis; again direct and true fat loss, not merely weight loss.
While the functioning process of DNP is tremendously simple, it is tremendously effective and equally dangerous. This is a point we cannot stress enough; it truly is pure poison and is simply not worth use regardless of how much fat it can cause you to lose. If you’re dead, it really doesn’t matter how much fat you’ve lost.
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Effects of DNP:
The effects of DNP are very simple and very straightforward, tremendous fat loss and loss of total body weight. So powerful, the effects of DNP can result in a full pound of body fat loss per day. Note we said a full pound of body fat, not merely weight but actual pure body fat. That is truly amazing and could easily result in twenty-plus pounds of fat loss in only a few weeks, not to mention any other weight loss, i.e. water weight.
That’s it, pure fat loss, and rapid and tremendous fat loss represent the full effects of DNP. The compound carries no additional traits that could be potentially desired by any human being. While sometimes labeled as a performance-enhancing drug DNP carries no anabolic properties. The compound will not help the individual build muscle mass or enhance strength. The individual will not see his athletic performance enhanced; in fact, many would see it diminished as DNP can be extremely draining on energy levels. Further, due to the tremendous increase in body temperature, when we look at the side effects of DNP we will find extreme activity must be avoided when using the compound.
When looking at the effects of DNP in a performance setting, many are often curious about its fat loss power compared to other more commonly used medications. The two most commonly used fat loss aids in performance enhancement circles are undoubtedly Clenbuterol and Cytomel (T3), and both are highly effective. However, while we cannot recommend DNP and while both Clen and T3 are far safer, we cannot deny the truth. DNP is far more powerful and will lead to greater and more dramatic fat loss than both Clenbuterol and Cytomel combined. This is simply the truth; however, both Clenbuterol and Cytomel can easily be used without severe or even fatal consequences, but we cannot say the same for DNP. Absolutely, DNP can be used without it leading to your death, there are those that get away with it, but the overall risk is so great you are truly playing with fire. At Steroid.com our job is to simply give you the truth. When explaining and covering various hormones and compounds, our job is to tell you exactly what the hormones and compounds in question can do. It is not our job to insight fear, or to embellish risks that may be associated with a compound in question. Our job is to take a neutral stance and simply explain what a compound can do, the good and the bad and nothing more. But when it comes to DNP it truly is pure poison and that is not an embellished statement. Regardless, some of you will still try it and while some of you will have success others will face horrific consequences and that’s the truth.
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Side Effects of DNP:
There are not too many side effects of DNP use, but what does exist is tremendously damaging. Of the side effects of DNP, the most concerning is death. We actually mean your heart-stopping and you living no more. There have been numerous deaths reported due to DNP use over the years. Although the compound is no longer legitimately obtainable on the pharmaceutical market, death will still be a possible side effect for those who are able to find it.
Beyond death, the most common side effects of DNP use include dramatic insomnia, nausea and extreme sweating. When we refer to extreme sweating, a more accurate way to describe it would be sweating profusely. Many who have used DNP have reported ruining their mattress during periods of use due to the sweating being so intense. DNP is also well-known for causing cataracts, which in many cases ultimately leads to the individual going blind.
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DNP can also have a strong, negative impact on white blood cell count by reducing the total count severely. This can have a disastrous effect on the individual’s immune system. You will be far more susceptible to viruses and infections when using DNP. It is also very common for those who use DNP to fall into a coma, which can very easily lead to an untimely death. So powerful is the compound and so great is the risk of death, reports have indicated that death can occur with only a few days of use. Talk about risk and one that is not worth taking.
This represents the side effects of DNP. When looking at all the various hormones and compounds discussed here at Steroid.com you probably noticed this is one of the least extensive side effect discussions of all. There really aren’t too many possible side effects of DNP use, but the side effects it does carry, although few make this one of the most dangerous compounds ever created.
DNP Administration:
DNP is an orally administered compound and is most commonly found in competitive bodybuilding circles. However, while most commonly found among competitive bodybuilders, even here we wouldn’t call it all that common. Generally, DNP doses will normally fall in the 2mg per kg of bodyweight range. This is referring to an extremely muscular individual.hulk bomb 80mg For example, take two individuals who both weigh 200lbs yet one is far more muscular. The less muscular individual will find nearly half the dose produces the desired fat loss results. The reason for this discrepancy in dosing cannot be explained with hard data, there hasn’t been any extensive study done on the issue. However, real-life results tend to support more muscular individuals being able to support DNP use far more efficiently than less muscular individuals. It appears that the overall risk of use will be greater for the less muscular individual, but the overall associated risk of use still remains tremendously high regardless of the individual’s muscularity.
Total DNP use is normally very short-lived. Most DNP cycles will last approximately 2-3 weeks. Those who use the compound longer will almost assuredly experience horrific consequences. During use, regardless of the specific total time of use or the individual’s overall muscularity, maintaining control of your body temperature is extremely important. Staying as cool as possible is a must. Outdoor activity on a hot summer day must be avoided at all costs. Hard cardiovascular activity, even if performed inside can also greatly increase the associated risk of use. The individual, although he may be weight training will more than likely need to back off the intensity a little bit. Go slower, less intense, and keep his body temperature from getting out of control. Obviously, if you’re a bodybuilder this can be very hard to do. However, if you do not remain cool the chance of death increases greatly.
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Availability of DNP:
DNP is not commonly available. You will not find the compound on any pharmaceutical market in any country around the world. This is strictly a compound found on the black market, and even then it can be hard to find. If you do happen to find it, there will be no way to determine if the labeled strength is accurate. You will also have no way to determine if any other ingredients are in the compound. This presents another risk when buying DNP. You will find some steroid suppliers who carry it, but not most, and very few of the generally respected large suppliers will carry the compound.
Due to the risks associated with the compound, if you are looking for highly effective fat burners you are encouraged to visit the sponsors here at Steroid.com. The sponsors here at Steroid.com can provide you with high-quality and more importantly safe fat burners. You will also find a host of highly effective and safe anabolics that are available for purchase.rip blend xl 650mg 10ml Beyond safety, the sponsors here at Steroid.com can provide such items legally. You will not be putting yourself at any legal risk with such purchases.
DNP Reviews:
DNP is one of if not the most powerful fat burner in history. This compound will see fat, pure body fat melt off the individual’s frame rapidly and abundantly. Further, once the fat is lost it will be very easy to maintain the now lower body fat percentage. This compound literally attacks and destroys fat cells. Consider twenty pounds of pure fat loss in only a few weeks. For that matter consider only half that amount and already you have an extremely appealing fat loss medication. No one can deny DNP is powerfully effective, so effective it’s seemingly magical when we consider the fat loss potential. However, we cannot consider the fat loss potential without recognizing the risks. DNP truly is poison, and it will claim lives. Granted, some will get away with use, this is simply the way many things work in life, but many will not. Even if you follow the guidelines about staying cool and keep your dose at a low to moderate level the risk is still there, you may die.
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